“Qual farfalletta amante” Scarlatti

“Qual farfalletta amante” Scarlatti Pronunciation

These are the lyrics of “Qual farfalletta amante” Scarlatti


Qual farfalletta amante,
io volo a quella fiamma,
che in petto il cor m’ infiamma,
e morte non mi da.
Il vago tuo sembiante
se accresce in me l’ardore
a quest’afflitto core
Ristor pur darà.

“Qual farfalletta amante” Scarlatti

“Qual farfalletta amante” Scarlatti Lyrics

To learn the pronunciation of“Qual farfalletta amante” Scarlatti, all you need to do is download the audio guide.

There’s a free preview of the audio to check the recording quality and the accuracy of the diction. It’s guaranteed to be correct because it was read and recorded by a native Italian opera singer.
