“Dolcissima mia vita” Gesualdo

“Dolcissima mia vita” Gesualdo Pronunciation

These are the lyrics of “Dolcissima mia vita” Gesualdo


Dolcissima mia vita,
a che tardate la bramata aita?
Credete forse ond’ ardo,
sia per finir perché torcete il guardo?
Ahi, non fia mai che brama
il mio desire o d’amarti o morire.

“Dolcissima mia vita” Gesualdo

“Dolcissima mia vita” Gesualdo Lyrics

To learn the pronunciation of“Dolcissima mia vita” Gesualdo, all you need to do is download the audio guide.

There’s a free preview of the audio to check the recording quality and the accuracy of the diction. It’s guaranteed to be correct because it was read and recorded by a native Italian opera singer.
